KUALA LUMPUR Solomon Thomas Hoodie , Aug. 29 (Xinhua)-- Malaysian police has beefed up security as thousands of protestors began to gather here on Saturday for a demonstration.
Organized by the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections or Bersih, the demonstration is planned to last for two days starting from Saturday afternoon. Police said the rally was illegal and action would be taken against the organizers.
The government has prohibited people from wearing yellow- colored clothing containing the words "Bersih 4," the name of the rally, and all websites carrying reports that could undermine security and public order would be monitored by the authorities.
Five demands have been listed by the protestors, which are free and fair elections Fred Warner Hoodie , a transparent government, the right to demonstrate, strengthening the parliamentary democracy system and saving national economy.
Some of the protestors call for the resignation of Prime Minister Najib Razak, who is under pressure from allegations over fund embezzlement. The Wall Street Journal reported earlier that some 700 million dollars related to 1MDB, a debt-laden state investment company Dante Pettis Hoodie , had been transferred into Najib's personal account.
Najib has denied taking any public fund for "personal gains."
The country's longest serving Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, a former mentor of Najib, has openly called on him to step down, while Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) said recently in a statement that the funds deposited into Najib's account came from donors instead of 1MDB.
According to a report of Bernama, Malaysia's state news agency Mike McGlinchey Hoodie , Najib described the organizers and participants of Bersih 4 rally as"shallow and poor"in their patriotism.
"Practice makes perfect," my mother used to say. It's as true of futures trading as of anything else. Before you put your hard-earned cash on the line, you need to practice trading if you want to succeed as a futures trader.
Making practice trades allows you to:
1. Test and fine-tune your trading system. 2. Learn to successfully pull the trigger. 3. Perfect your charting system. 4. Develop productive trading habits. 5. Practice self-discipline.
See if you have what it takes to be a futures trader.
That last item is very important. You can have the best system in the world but if you don't believe in yourself, if you don't believe in your system, if you don't have the passion to trade Richard Sherman Hoodie , no system in the world will make you a successful futures trader. Like I tell my students, successful futures trading is 90% attitude. Not everyone has the skill, passion, ability or discipline to succeed. Better to find out before you lose your money.
In my Futures Trading Secrets course, I recommend that students practice trading on the e-Mini with Sims Broker until they achieve a certain level of confidence and consistency in their trades. Practicing futures trading on paper is important before you attempt the real thing. Before you start trading with real money Jimmy Garoppolo Hoodie , you must develop the discipline to control your emotions and stick to your system. Plunking down cold, hard cash opens the door to greed and fear, which can submarine even the best system if not held in check. Practice will give you the skill, confidence and courage to succeed as a futures trader.
Practice trading should be as detailed and meticulously recorded as the real thing:
1. Log and study your profits and losses. 2. Look for patterns that indicate when you successfully pulled the trigger and when you failed. 3. Work to increase successful strategies and decrease unsuccessful ones. 4. Develop successful daily trading habits and routines.
Remember to practice the discipline to stick to the daily habits and routines even when you don't feel like it or they don't seem to be working. Discipline and routine are essential habits of the successful futures trader. Every trader loses sometimes. You have to have the discipline to follow your routine and have faith in your system even when you're losing, if you are to ultimately succeed.
You'll find this systematic approach true of successful athletes Jerry Rice Shirt , businessmen, writers, dog trainers and, of course, futures traders. If you look at what makes a person successful Joe Montana Shirt , you'll discover that he or she has developed a specific routine and follows it religiously every day.
For instance, Tiger Woods doesn't plop the ball on the ground and flail away. He follows a regimented and very carefully practiced series of steps to give himself the best possibility of success. Following a pattern of behavior time after time has helped to make him the world's most successful golfer.
The routine is easy to see in dog training where each training module educates, reinforces, builds on success and leads to the next step. The trainer has broken into a series of steps the behavior he desires the dog to achieve. Before he can heel successfully, a dog learns to follow a series of necessary preliminary steps: sit Reuben Foster Shirt , stay, start, stop, heel. With practice he learns to watch your left leg and move with it, starting and stopping as you do. In time Jaquiski Tartt Shirt , the behavior becomes so ingrained the verbal commands are no longer necessary.
My students say it with me: "One of the most important things you can do to improve your trading is to develop specific patterns of behavior."
Author's Resource Box
Bill McCready teaches people to make money trading. For 11 FREE futures trading lessons and a free ebook, visit http:www.FuturesTradingSecrets