CONCEPCION Trai Turner Jersey , July 4 (Xinhua) -- Andre Carillo and Paolo Guerrero scored second-half goals as Peru defeated Paraguay 2-0 to secure third place at the Copa America for a second straight time on Friday.
Guerrero's second-half strike made him the tournament's equal top scorer alongside Chile's Eduardo Vargas with four goals.
Both teams were in no hurry to attack early with few scoring chances in a dour first half.
Peru's Jose Reyna had a long-range shot saved by Paraguay goalkeeper Justo Villar before Carlos Lobaton shot over the bar after also trying his luck from distance.
Paraguay's best chance of the first half was Oscar Romero's rasping 30-yard drive that forced a diving save from Pedro Gallese.
Los Incas went ahead just after halftime when Raul Bobadilla's clearing header went straight to Carillo, who lashed a low first-time finish into the bottom corner.
Hosts Chile were due to take on Argentina in the final at Santiago's Estadio Nacional on Saturday.
Before you can learn some really awesome soccer moves, you need to get the basic ones down first. The basic moves are not hard to learn but you will need to practice a bit. It is vital that you learn the moves laid out below as they will help you to master the more advanced ones. Below are three basic soccer moves that everyone needs to learn first.
The first one we are going to discuss is dribbling. It may not sound exciting Ryan Kalil Jersey , but dribbling is a move that is vitally important. Whether you know it or not, dribbling is a foundational move that you can build on. Basically, dribbling involves moving a soccer ball up and down and back and forth on a field in a stable manner. In essence Luke Kuechly Jersey , dribbling utilizes the left and right foot to move the soccer ball anywhere on the field in a stable and controlled manner. Learning to dribble can be done by tapping, shoving or pushing the ball with the inside, sole or outside of your feet. What I recommend before starting out practicing dribbling is to first get comfortable with the ball. The easiest and best way to get comfortable with the ball is to simply juggle it with both feet. By juggling the ball Cam Newton Jersey , you will build up coordination and begin to get a good feel and sense of the ball which will help in all moves you attempt to learn in the future.
The next move is called passing. There are basically two types of passing, the push or short pass and the long pass. Passing the ball is the ability of a player to move the ball from him or herself to another player without the other team getting it. Of the 2 passes, the push pass is the more accurate because it needs a limited amount of field to be effective. To utilize a push pass Christian McCaffrey Jersey , you are going to be kicking the ball with the inside and middle of the foot. So basically, you would be kicking the ball with the inside portion of either foot you use. The foot that is not being used to actually kick the ball will be planted next to the ball and pointed in the direction that you want the pass to go. You will follow this same technique when performing a long pass, only you'll strike the ball a little harder. It is vitally important to always keep your focus on the ball. This will help tremendously in the accuracy of the pass.
The final move is the shot. When taking a shot on goal Marquis Haynes Jersey , accuracy is the most important. Anyone can kick a ball hard but only a few can kick a ball hard and have it go exactly where they want it to. Using the instruction on passing the ball from above, you need to plant your foot that is not striking the ball next to the ball and pointing in the direction you want it to end up. The foot that actually kicks the ball needs to be done so with the inside and on an angle to the foot. Look down at your foot and picture it as a right angle. The top of your foot will be at ninety degrees and the bottom will be at zero degrees. You want to kick the ball at the forty five degree mark of your foot. By kicking with this portion of the foot you will be able to get the most power and accuracy. You must always remember to keep your eye on the ball so it will be accurate as well.
So there you have it, the 3 basic soccer moves to build a solid foundation in your play. Once you have mastered these three moves you can then learn some really awesome soccer moves down the road. The main point as with any sport is to keep practicing. The old saying goes Rashaan Gaulden Jersey , practice makes perfect and in soccer it is no different.
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Interested in taking your game to the next level? Just visit www.StomperSoccersoftwaretraining now for my number one recommeded product that will have you mastering the game in no time. Shane Wilson is an accomplished web site owner at Stompersoccer where youll find other awesome soccer moves and more. Sign up for our Stomper Newsletter when you come by.
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Visiting Australia for a pleasure trip would not be complete without taking a closer look at its famous kangaroos and koalas. From movies to told stories the existence of these animals peculiarly in Australia drive interest of animal lovers, inquisitive tourist and back packers.
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