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Estrogen intake is also a possibility. Estrogen is the primary female reproductive hormone, just as hormone is the primary male hormone. Men do have estrogen naturally, but not a great deal of it. When estrogen levels in men rise too high, it has a negative impact on seed production air max 90 femme pas cher , so maintaining a proper balance of estrogen and androgen is necessary.
Milk products from cows tend to have high levels of estrogen, especially the fattier versions. It is suspected that this is even more the case than it was decades ago, due to changes in feed given to dairy cows. At any rate, many believe that men who consume the fattier milk products are adding too much estrogen, hence the fertility issues.
There are air max 90 pas cher chine , of course, many reasons other than milk consumption that can affect fertility. Nevertheless, men experiencing difficulty conceiving may wish to cut back on high-fat dairy products and switch to low-fat versions instead.
In addition to watching dairy, keeping the member in general good health is also advised, which requires use an excellent male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil chaussure air max 90 pas cher , which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Be sure to select a cr猫me with a range of vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D and E. In addition nike air max 90 pas cher , keep the male organ healthy by using a cr猫me with L-arginine, which can help keep the blood vessels properly expanded.