Des- What causes Stop Error Codes in a windows based hardware or software and how to troubleshoot windows based PC
Stop Error Codes are following computer geeks like shadow , they happen in any machine using Windows OS, Linux OS or Mac. Stop Error Codes like every machine you use and may start appearing in most critical times; when you are on the run a stop error code may appear causing breakdown to both your PC and your cerebrum. Most of the computer users face such stop error often times but many don't know what to do when an stop error code appears. Looking for computer mechanic is one of the alternate for most of the people in general, but if you know before what an stop error code looks like and even little bit of trouble shoot you can fix your machine saving huge time Cheap Jordan Retro Shoes , energy and repair cost.
Here is sample of Stop Error Code that may appear in MS Windows XP or MS Windows 2000 based computer
Microsoft Windows The system has recovered from a serious error. A log of this error has been created. Please tell Microsoft about this problem. We have created an error report that you can send to help us improve Microsoft Windows. We will treat this report as confidential and anonymous. To see what data this error report contains, click here.
When you click on Click Here the information will looks somewhat like this BCCode : 00000050 BCP1 : f8655000 BCP2 : 00000001 BCP3 : fc7cc465 BCP4 : 00000000 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 0_0 Product : 256_1 Another very common sample of error that may appear on Windows Based PC is shown below -
A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer... Technical information:
STOP: 0x00000050 (0xf8655000, 0x00000001 Cheap Air Jordan Shoes , 0xfc7cc465, 0x00000000) PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA (50)
These are just few examples and Stop Error Codes are 100s in numbers often times resulting in Blue Screen of Death BSOD.
The reason of such Stop Error Codes may be a software or hardware problem resulting in crashes of Operating System. When you receive any such error think of which new software recently you have installed, if any Cheap Jordan Retro , remove that software and check if your PC works properly. As a precautionary measure clean all disk drive of your computer and run full system using some good software program like AVG, McAfee, Anti-spyware or anti-malware. As sometimes spywares and malwares infect your OS setting resulting in Stop Error Codes.
If trouble all software Cheap Air Jordan , disk defragmentation or troubleshooting windows won't work, sure its time to look for hardware compatibility and if one of the hardware device need repair or replacement. Knowingly or unknowingly every day many computer programs installs in our computer disk drives. These programs require latest updated drivers to run smoothly with your system settings. You can update different system drivers from respective manufactures website online. Taking above few precautionary steps you can trouble your windows based PC or any other PC if Stop Error Code appears on your computer.
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