>Application Of Human Resource Part - I Posted by leasafric02 on October 20th Brandon Carlo Bruins Jersey , 2017
LEASAFRIC GHANA LIMITED was incorporated in March 1992 and commenced business in April 1994. The Bank of Ghana subsequently licensed it in August 1994 as a non-bank financial institution to carry out the business of finance leasing as its principal business. Leasafric has since then been running an Asset Finance business using the technique of finance leasing.
The company was founded by a Ghanaian entrepreneur who pulled together a team of investors comprising a venture fund, two local banks, an insurance company and three other individuals to provide the start-up equity. The founder, Mr. Seth K. Dei initially held 15% of the shares and was for eleven years the Chief Executive of the company before retiring in March 2005.
The shareholding of the company has evolved over the years. Ghana Venture Capital Fund, which initially held 20% of the shares came to term and sold out in August 2003. In December 2004 Riley Nash Bruins Jersey , another investment fund Aureos West Africa Fund bought into the company to take a 51.28% stake, pushing the founding shareholders into minority position. Some shareholders exercised their share warrants in September, 2006 which brought the Aureos holding to 48.06.
In August 2007, Aureos West Africa Fund and Ecobank Ghana Limited, holding between them 59.05% shares Anders Bjork Bruins Jersey , sold their shares to C & I Leasing Plc, Nigeria. Aureos West Africa Fund subsequently bought out other shareholders totalling 17.58%. Aureos West Africa Fund sold their shares of 17.58% to C & I Leasing Plc in March 2012. In June 2014 West Africa Emerging Markets Growth Fund bought shares.
Over the years, Leasafric has seen the ups and downs of the business life of leasing. So like the elderly, we have the experience and do understand what your needs as well as your expectations are because we listen to you. Whiles our matured eye visualizes what your requests are, our heart has matured to accommodate whatever transport operational requests you may have…Just do the talking and allow us do the walking….
Our efforts would be in futility except our effectiveness as a service oriented organization is judged by one significant element…CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. It therefore is not accidental that Leasafric can boast of such a unique trademark. Over here at Leasafric Bobby Orr Bruins Jersey , the team understands dedicated service and the unique requirements of fleet operations that give clients VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY.
We have a solid capital base that can service the highest pricedvalued facility on the market.
• Leasafric is parented by the only leasing company listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange, C&I Leasing Plc, Nigeria.
• We have working relationships with credible financial institutions that are internationally accredited that support the facilities we service. Notable amongst these are: Access, UBA, Stanbic Barclays and Standard Chartered Banks Jake DeBrusk Jersey , Golden Cedar and many others.
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Talking about standard marketing strategies it includes television, brochures, classifieds, etc. Advertising or marketing using newspaper publications, television set Charlie McAvoy Jersey , etc. can be a very expensive option. Besides, time taken to reach your target audiences is not as quick as the text message marketing method. This has prompted internet marketers worldwide to rely on bulk sms marketing.
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Today, technological advancements and developments in the internet arena have contributed immensely to popularity of this mechanism. Ever since this option has found a strong presence in business world, marketing with aid of radio, television, newspaper and direct mail has taken a backseat. Traditional marketing campaigns take weeks of planning in advertising methods Tim Schaller Jersey , layouts and designing issues. On the other hand, with text your campaign can get started in just 5 minutes.
Under this option your marketing campaign begins instantly keeping your esteemed customers well informed about rapidly changing market situations. The best part 鈥?it is the customers who can decide for themselves whether or not they want to subscribe to your SMSs. In other words, the controlling power lies with them which restricts from business modules from sending unwanted SMSs.
Julia Roger - About Author: For more information on text message marketing, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the bulk sms marketing!
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