How Do I Fix the Rundll32 Error? What Causes This? Computers Articles | October 12 nike air max shoes wholesale , 2011 A Rundll32 error happens when Windows attempts to load a file and fails to do it. When this happens a message will usually pop up on the screen informing the user that a rundll32 error has occurred. There are many things that can cause rundll32.exe error, it could be a drive error, virus cheap nike air max wholesale , undetected malware or spyware, or a faulty or incomplete software installation. Faulty or incomplete installations of software can also cause this problem.
A Rundll32 error happens when Windows attempts to load a file and fails to do it. When this happens a message will usually pop up on the screen informing the user that a rundll32 error has occurred. There are many things that can cause rundll32.exe error, it could be a drive error nike air max wholesale , virus, undetected malware or spyware, or a faulty or incomplete software installation. Faulty or incomplete uninstallation of software can also cause this problem. To solve this problem you need to first reboot your system and see if it occurs again. If rebooting does not eliminate the error you need to do an intelligent guess as to the nearest possible cause.
Think about the last program you uninstalled lunarmax flyknit chukka sp wholesale , was is a successful uninstall? Or have you installed a new program lately and you are not sure if it was completely installed? These are possible leads to the solution of the problem. If you figure out that it could be an incomplete uninstall that is the culprit, install the program again and then perform a clean uninstall. If it is a faulty install of a software that is causing the problem then just do a new install of the software in question. If these steps do not solve the problem do a complete scan of your drives with your anti-virus software. Be sure that your anti-virus software is updated. You can also change to a better antivirus software if you believe that the antivirus you are using is not that good. Recommended antivirus software are Eset Smart security or Eset Nod 32 antivirus. You can also use Kaspersky Internet Security or the latest AVG antivirus. If you believe that the rundll32 error is caused by a registry problem, run your registry fix software. I recommend using RegVac or RegCure nike air max trainer 1 wholesale , there two registry software perform well.
If after doing the computer virus scan or registry scan the problem is still there, try doing a clean boot on your computer. To do this click on the Start button and click on "run". In the input field type "msconfig" (without the quotes) and hit enter. The System Configuration utility will open. Choose the selective start up option and deselect all the programs listed there except one. It doesn't matter which one you keep selected because you are doing this to try to find out which among the startup programs listed is the cause or the rundll32 error. Click OK and then reboot. Repeat the process but change to a different start up program every time you reboot until you covered every start up program in the list and you come into the program that causes the rundll32 error. Once you have identified the program that is causing the problem you can remove it completely or reinstall it properly.
Article Tags: Rundll32 Error
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