Nobody would like to see their The concept of call waiting has been around for a very long time, Probably before the invention of the smartphone. In old times, when you tried calling someone and got a busy tone Telvin Smith Elite Jersey , you need to keep trying for ages to get through. But with the feature of call waiting on your phone, they can be immediately notified that somebody is trying to get in touch with them. If call waiting is not enabled, you will immediately be put through to voicemail. Enabling Call Waiting Go to the Phone section in settings, and you will see the option of call waiting. Click on that. You can switch the feature on a doff with green toggle. Green is for switching it on and another one is to switch off. All changes will be applicable immediately. What happens with the Call Waiting? If the call waiting is enabled and you are on a call already, you will hear a beep if someone else is trying to get through you. You can now out the current call on hold to accept the second call. Call waiting is less popular with some people because the beep can be heard by the other person you are talking to. So putting them on hold will let them know immediately that you are ditching them to take another call. This also has caused many ill- feelings among some users. Bradon Wilson is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2002. As a technical expert Nick Foles Elite Jersey , Bradon has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as Source : iphone waiting off Total Views: 21Word Count: 525See All articles From Author
Sales Potential - using KPI's to measure sales performance Business Articles | July 17, 2007 Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) are performance metrics that management use to help make effective decisions to guide a business and enhance performance.? Common sales performance metrics include t...
Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) are performance metrics that management use to help make effective decisions to guide a business and enhance performance.? Common sales performance metrics include total sales revenues Gardner Minshew II Jersey , number of sales, average order value, repeat sales, sales for year-to-date, and so on.? These metrics on their own only provide part of the story however Ryquell Armstead Jersey , and as a sales or business manager you need to be able to understand what the metrics actually represent and how they are affecting your overall business performance.? Looking at KPI's in isolation is not of such great help, but when you are able to look at trends and the relationships between metrics and how these integrate to form a complete picture, you are well on your way to unleashing the power of the metric.