The Best Alternative for Microsoft Steadystate Computers Articles | August 28 Corey Crawford Blackhawks Jersey , 2013 Deep Freeze is the best alternative for Microsoft Steadystate. Those who need system restore, management and protection for Windows Mac System it is the right option to go ahead with it.
After Microsoft released their Windows 7 Operating System into the market, consumers and users were all left in awestruck as one of the best PC protection and management software they had was left in the dust with the previous OS. Microsoft Steadystate provided great system protection and recovery for the Windows OS but as per the company's decision, they will no longer cover their newer systems after Windows vista. This is bad news to those who purchased Steadystate to manage their workstations if they are looking for an OS upgrade.
Luckily, we found the best alternative (or the best option) for those who need system restore, management and protection for your Personal Computers. Faronics has developed Deep Freeze, a centralized deployment and management tool for both the personal and corporate Windows user. Deep freeze has Jonathan Toews Blackhawks Jersey , by far, the best alternative for Steadystate while adding even more features. Let's look at the main differences and enhancements that Deep Freeze has over Windows Steadystate.
1. Overall network and server side control Unlike SteadyState, that was per -client-dependent in system restoration, Deep Freeze offers a powerful server-side console that can recover any system on your network. This saves you time and allows you to push specific configurations on any system in your domain. This includes generating one time or one day passwords for reboot or reconfiguration, securing MBRs and selection of "frozen" drives among many other features.
2. Updates are here for Windows 7 and 8 SteadyState had its last update way back in 2008. Deep Freeze continuously rolls out updates for their software to adapt to changes and fix any bugs that might come up. This assures you of the flexibility, continuity, and of course Duncan Keith Blackhawks Jersey , security of your systems even after potential attacks or threats.
3. Different configuration modes for different types of users Whether you run a corporate or public network or just running a Personal Computer at home, Deep Freeze offers a load of different modes and settings to suit whatever need you may have. From selection of "frozen" and "thawed" hard drives for program installation and file management, silent install on network PCs, communication over LAN or WAN for updates and reconfiguration and different settings of restart or reboot modes all depending on your preferences.
4. Multiple Support And just like we said, it has full support for newer Windows Operating System, namely 7 and 8, and full support for any hard disk configuration whether it be SCSI Patrick Kane Jersey Sale , ATA, SATA or IDE. It also supports any HDD format like FAT, FAT32, and NTFS, basic and dynamic disks. This multitude of setup and configuration would make you forget that you even used Windows SteadyState in the past. Your PC's and network's protection is guaranteed even with several changes in hardware and software setups.
So say goodbye and forget SteadyState on your old PC. You can get the things you love from it and even more with Deep Freeze. It is time to work on making your home or office network more secured and face whatever consequences that may happen between software and hardware changes. s to explore all that the Amazon has to offer is to pick a small section of the massive, largely untamed jungle, and explore only that region. The Sandoval Lake, near
Article Tags: Best Alternative, Microsoft Steadystate, Deep Freeze
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