Modesty is a lie. -- Maya Angelou ?She is a girly girl born with a beautiful pelvisLiving in New Orleans, two feet, two breasts,Eight children, curvaceous and cute, she turnsHeads everyday, social works to pay the bills,Whispers to God. Shes in her 40s when GodWhispers back, that bewildering, 3rd generation,Stage 2, pummeling, Black woman news. Its$5000 a month to stay alive. She loses Ta-tas,Job, car, house. The long scar on her chest runsHorizontal with the horizon. She sews her eyesDown its back. A hot air balloon lifts her throughChemotherapy, beyond despair, arriving in Biloxi.Somewhere along the road to 50 she overhearsThat the pelvis is what makes us human.Her mother hands over black on black sneakersWith an ancestral silver toe and hip silver swoosh.Her grandmother loans her a pair of loudLime green, South African, Balega socks.?Hit the road daughter. The girly girl knowsShe doesnt need breasts to walk, or breastsTo be a girly girl, with both hands she raisesHer blouse over her head. The sun paintsHer chest the same shade of girl that it didForty years before when she was just 8 and justAn unknown girl on a beach, topless, with breastsStill sleeping in the bones curl just below herClavicle. When a Black woman decides toWalk topless for 1034 miles things get aligned.Ears line up over shoulders. Shoulders overHips. Hips over knees. Her spine is soonShot out of a cannon just like the 1850 InsomniacHarriet, her nipples calibrating due north andFreedom instead of sleep. When a Black womanMakes up her mind to walk topless for 1034 miles,A film crew can change their mind but a daughtersWitnessing eyes are irreversible. MadelinesEight-year-old breasts are still in the deep sleepOf girlhood when they leave, just like Retro girlyGirl back on the beach. She sets sail from BiloxiOn April 30. Her ghost nipples spin as dualCompass. Five miles an hour, eight hours a day,For sixty days. Topless in the sun and the drivingRain. The Republics electronic Book of Faces hearsThe news and goes neon. 10,000,000 eyes dial in.The first of twelve police cars stop her. She smilesAnd holds a class in indecent exposure along the sideOf the road. There are no Toni Morrison benchesTo hold them so they stand. Resolution: Its notIllegal for her shirt to be off if her nipples are only Ghosts, following overhead but not really there.On the police car radio NPR is interviewingJohn Napier, paleontologist. The topic is walking.As the policemen finish up their Selfie with theTopless woman, who can still turn a head, theyDo not hear the paleontologist say, HumanWalking is unique. The body, step by step, teetersOn the edge of catastrophe. The mother-daughterTeam is back on the road. The girly girl has 100Ligaments in each of her feet. Her transverse archIs the major weight-bearing bridge in her body.Her Achilles is her most critical tendon, running fromHer calf muscle to the back of her heel, helping herPush off with her toes and propel her body towardSenators and marble halls and the back of MadelinesStroller. With each step she takes a new beauty shopIs under new Construction. This one will not beDesigned & Assembled by the Chairman of the BoardOf Ta-tas. She moves one foot in front of the other.Highway 29, Highway 1, The Jeff Davis highway,The Warren Abernathy road, the Blue Star highway,The monument to the signer of the Declaration ofIndependence in Georgia, the Indian mounds ofNorth Carolina. The topless girly girl keeps an eyeOut for the June Jordan Expressway. The Audre LordeHighway. The Gilda Radner overpass. The 7th of 12Police cars pulls up alongside Madelines stroller. InEach new jurisdiction the men and women in blueWant to have a word with her, want to survey theTopography of her chest, want answers shes patientlyAlready given seven times before, want to make sureThere is no indecent exposure taking place on theJeff Davis Highway north. Another class on the sameTopic is held. Over and again the girly girl explainsThat wanting to live is legal in every state.For 60 days the sneering breathtaking rocky roadExhaust of 18 wheelers coats her mouth. ThroughDust tar and fumes she passes Used Car Lots,Daydreaming of driving the rest of the way in aCanary yellow Mustang, convertible. There areStrip Malls, Mexican restaurants, neon motel signsAdvertising 20 dollar-a-Night Rooms, and 19Holy ghost praise houses leaning in with tambourine.The handmaidens of 40, 290 women take turnsRubbing her legs down every night. Mother andMadeline munch on 5 pounds of peaches, 4 poundsOf plums, they talk about school and family and howDifferent the rain feels when you cannot run from it.The mother-daughter train stops to read historicalMarkers from Biloxi to Washington DC. The womanWho has been known to turn a head wants MadelineTo know how the world was made and how it canBe made differently. She does not drink enough water.Its April, Its May, Its June. The pavement meltsBeneath their feet. The asphalt doesnt care that sheDoesnt have breasts, doesnt care that Madeline is8, the blisters, callus feet, the inside of her palms growStones, are bloody. She keeps pushing Madelines tinySleeping breasts on up the road. Its a tar beach voyage.And Madeline will not be next. The ghosts of 40,290Dead women whisper that they have voted to take theirTops off too. Solidarity forever. Mother and daughterEat Little Debbie pies and suck on firecracker popsiclesUntil their lips are red, white, and blue. StrangersFollowing them on the Republics electronic Book of FacesPull up alongside for Selfies. They deposit small tubsOf watermelon, a box of KFC, a foil bag of Chick-fil-A,Another woman drops off a homemade plate made fromHer own dinner pots. The gravel on the road hitchhikesA ride inside their shoes. The pommeling rain turns theJeff Davis highway into a sliding mud pit of summerQuicksand. The girly girls breastplate, complete withHorizon scar, has been staring back at the sun and theRain for 45 uncommon days. What does the world seeWhen a Black woman accustomed to being a womanAnd turning heads takes off her top and walks 1034Miles across America up a highway named for thePresident of the Confederacy? A woman teeteringOn the edge of catastrophe? A girly girl with herMissing ghost nipples now turned tuning forks turnedToward freedom? She is a woman they cannot arrestFor not having what they believe she should haveIn order to be called a woman? The burning summerRain sizzles on the hot asphalt. The sun bakes theirTwo backs into a portrait of two thirsty MarigoldsClimbing. A truck door swings open by mistake hittingThe girly girl as it passes. Pitch and roll girly girl. GetUp. A woman who has refused her own catastropheIs walking across America with her daughter. PoliceCar no. 12 arrives. Madeline is asleep. Why dontThey talk to each other on their blue-way radios?Cant someone dispatch the update? A Black womanWalking topless across America is not illegal. The girlyGirls pelvis evolved 1.9 million years ago.This noble Soldered saddle of bones is what makes us stand upright.Helps us change direction, spin, swivel, adjust, reach,Reconfigure, when we find we need to march on andNot crumble. The long column of our human bodyRequires the marvel of the pelvis to conduct whenAll else fails. The missing Ta-tas are not what matter.The pelvis matters. The dead women of the ChorusOf Breast Cancer matter. God finding the girly girlOn the beach and whispering Go Topless in her earMatters. Her mind is 1034 miles away on the marbleSteps of Congress waiting for the rest of her to arrive.Dear Senator ______, you dont know me but my pelvis is 1.9 million years old and 60, 290 women with pelvises just like mine received a new breast cancer diagnosis in 2015 and 40, 290 died of the disease. I would like a minute of your time. I did not fly here. My testimony was not subpoenaed. I am not the kind of woman to bare all but I have walked topless to show what I will not hide.When her breasts were cut away she decidedTo travel light. She packed nothing of excess.Only essentials. Firecracker popsicles. Peaches.Intact Pelvis. Sweet Oil of Madeline. Three changesOf clothing. A cell phone. A Stroller. And herDaily Dear God. Her prayers fueled by the powerOf electrolytes and the salt and pepper kindnessStrangers. In the blazing summer sun the sweetGeorgia peaches go down easy in the warmthOf mother and daughter mouths. You can stillBe alive without your breasts. Im still beautiful.The girly girl proclaims. Certainly, no less a woman.The woman who can still turn a head is showingThe world what a womans body looks like whenWar has been declared. The look of more thanCatastrophe. How the curve of the human spineWill absorb the sad shock of news it did not wantTo hear. The magic of Bipedal locomotion + strongKnees when we stand it up then hold out our armsAnd say Walk. The breast-less body in full sail,Moving the wheels of the determined mind. Theorchestra of the pelvis singing from the HymnalOf Courage, page 24. What it means to be womanAnd opening a new beauty shop without permit,License, or permission. The birthday sunrise of theGirly girl arrives. Its June 30th. She pushes MadelinesStroller past Quantico, the Pentagon, the 14th StreetBridge. The steps of the Capitol see her. MadelineStands up. Senator, thank you for seeing me.Popsicle? Peach? What say you about a cure?Nikky Finney has written four books of poetry, including Head Off & Split, for which she won the 2011 National Book Award. She wrote this original piece for the 2016 espnW Women + Sports Summit. Phillies Jerseys 2019 . - Blake Griffin had 30 points and 12 rebounds, J. Fake Phillies Jerseys . World champions Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov of Russia won the gold medal with 237.71 points, Moore-Towers and Moscovitch followed at 208.45 and Ksenia Stolbova and Fedor Klimov of Russia were third at 187. . -- Linebacker Myles Jack ran for four touchdowns, defensive end Cassius Marsh caught a scoring pass, and No. Custom Philadelphia Phillies Jerseys . Self was acquired from the Buffalo Bandits in a trade for Alex Hill midway through last season, and made his debut in Rochester on March 16, 2013. Phillies Jerseys 2020 .com) - Rafael Nadal, Andy Murray and Roger Federer were easy first-round winners Tuesday at the Australian Open. Through Week 2, the Patriots look like the leagues best team, and their fill-in quarterback, Jimmy Garoppolo, ranks No. 1 in Total QBR. The Seahawks, meanwhile, have scored just 15 total points and have issues along the offensive line.NFL Nation reporters pick the biggest surprises?so far for each team.NFC East | NFC North | NFC South | NFC West AFC East | AFC North| AFC South | AFC WestNFC EASTDallas CowboysThe play of quarterback Dak Prescott.How can I not go with?the rookie? Although he doesnt have a?touchdown pass, he has not had a pass intercepted in 75 attempts. He delivered a game-winning, fourth-quarter drive last week against Washington and nearly had the Cowboys?in position for a game-winning field goal attempt in Week 1 against the Giants. Prescott has made it clear that the Cowboys are still Tony Romos team, but he is doing what he can to make sure its in good condition when Romo returns. -- Todd ArcherNew York GiantsThe Giants havent been just competent defensively -- theyve been good.The leagues 32nd-ranked unit from last season ranks in the top 10?in just about every category through two weeks, despite playing the high-octane Saints in Week 2. Cornerback Janoris Jenkins dominance has been a major part of the resurgence. He has outplayed his large contract ($62.5 million) the first two games, as he ranks as Pro Football Focus No. 4 cornerback. -- Jordan RaananPhiladelphia EaglesCoach Doug Pedersons debut.Sure, rookie quarterback?Carson Wentz is a great answer, but as the No. 2 overall pick in the draft, Wentz came in with some high expectations. Pederson -- not so much. He was a high school coach as recently as 2008 and an offensive coordinator with limited playcalling responsibilities while with the Chiefs, so there were some concerns about whether he was ready to be a head coach. Not all those concerns have been assuaged in two weeks time, but the Eagles have been sharp out of the gate under Pedersons command. -- Tim McManusWashington RedskinsQuarterback Kirk Cousins unsteady start.I did not think he was a budding star ready to elevate into a top-10 quarterback. I felt hed be in that middle range, a guy capable of really good games but who needs help from those around him. Cousins, however, has struggled more in two games than I would have anticipated, especially because the throws he has missed have often been to open targets. The Redskins need him to start hitting more of these throws, and if he does, they can recover from an 0-2 start to be much more competitive. But Cousins struggles also highlight the lack of help from other aspects, namely the defense. It has struggled for far too long, due in part to some neglect, and its inexcusable. -- John KeimNFC NORTHChicago BearsThe offense is worse than expected.Chicago has surrendered eight sacks and converted only eight of 23 third-down attempts (34.8 percent) in two games. Losing running back Matt Forte, tight end Martellus Bennett and playcaller Adam Gase in the offseason hurt, but no one thought the offense would completely tank. Factor in quarterback?Jay Cutlers right thumb injury, and things are about to go from bad to worse. -- Jeff DickersonDetroit LionsDefensive tackle Kerry Hyders immediate impact.While the Lions run game has surprised, the biggest shock has to be?Hyder. The defensive lineman was not expected to make Detroits roster, but he played well enough during training camp to force his way onto the 53-man roster. Then he had two sacks of Colts quarterback?Andrew Luck in the season opener and picked up a third sack last week. Hes tied for second in the NFL with three sacks and could be in line for a?starting spot if Ezekiel Ansah is unable to play because of a high ankle sprain. Hyder is one of the best stories of this young NFL season. -- Michael RothsteinGreen Bay PackersA stellar run defense.A year ago, the Packers had the NFLs second-worst run defense. Two games into this season, theirs is the best. After holding running back?Adrian Peterson to just 19 yards rushing and the Vikings to only 30 yards as a team, the Packers rushing average dropped to just 39 yards allowed per game. Last year at this time, they were giving up an average of 154 yards rushing per game. Led by defensive tackle Mike Daniels, defensive coordinator Dom Capers finally appears to have his run defense fixed. -- Rob DemovskyMinnesota VikingsFew open holes in the running game.The Vikings have leaned on their running game for years, constructing a run-first offense even as many of their counterparts shifted away from a heavy ground game. The inability of the Vikings retooled offensive line to open holes for Adrian Peterson, however, has the running back sitting with just 50 yards through two games. With Peterson in danger of missing time because of a torn meniscus, the Vikings will have to try to improve their running game with different pieces. -- Ben GoesslingNFC SOUTHAtlanta FalconsPass-rusher?Vic Beasley Jr. still hasnt played up to his potential.The eighth overall pick in 2015 was credited with the teams only sack this season, but that came as a result of Raiders quarterback Derek Carrs running out of bounds for no gain. After a lackluster preseason, the expectation was for Beasley to flash more often once the regular season started. Well, it hasnt happened, so there has to be an extreme amount of concern within the Falcons organization. -- Vaughn McClureCarolina PanthersWide receiver?Devin Funchess hasnt produced.If you recall, I said right here that the second-year wide receiver was playing so well that he might have a better season than Kelvin Benjamin. Through two games, Funchess has three catches for 28 yards and a touchdown. Benjamin has 13 catches for 199 yards and three touchdowns. Funchess touchdown came late against San Francisco, when the outcome had been decided. That isnt to say his production wont pick up, but so far, it has been less than imagined. -- David NewtonNew Orleans SaintsInjuries have decimated the cornerback group.The Saints top three cornerbacks right now are Sterling Moore,?who signed two weeks ago, and undrafted rookies DeVante Harris and Ken Crawley. Nobody could have imagined that two months ago. But that was before injuries knocked Keenan Lewis and Damian Swann off the roster this summer and sidelined Delvin Breaux and P.J. Williams?over?the past two weeks. Almost as surprising is how well the Saints makeshift secondary played last week at New York. Theyll need to keep holding things together until Breaux and Williams come back. -- Mike TriplettTampa Bay BuccaneersWide receiver Vincent Jacksons poor start.The veteran?has been the most consistent and reliable target for the Buccaneers since he arrived in 2012. But through two games, he has managed just six catches for 62 receiving yards, and quarterback?Jameis Winston has been picked off in back-to-back weeks on passes intended for him. Coach Dirk Koetter even acknowledged that their chemistry is off. Is it lack of chemistry or the beginning of a steep decline for Jackson, now 33 and in his 12th season? He might hit his stride a few games into the season, but given his importance to this offense the past four years, his struggles are startling. -- Jenna LaineNFC WESTArizona CardinalsThe rise of cornerback?Marcus Cooper.Earlier this month, the Cardinals gave up a conditional 2018 seventh-round pick to acquire Cooper, and he already has a two-interception game. A former seventh-round pick by the 49ers who didnt make the team out of training camp, Coopers recent history didnt suggest hed be an impact performer. He played a combined 362 snaps for the Chiefs?the past two seasons, so there was?some skepticism surrounding the deal. But the Cardinals needed a cornerback opposite Patrick Peterson, and Cooper has shown that he can fit well in the Cardinals defensive scheme. -- Josh WeinfussLos Angeles RamsRunning back Todd Gurleys struggles.Its hard to turn anywhere besides Gurley here. He is the star of the Rams, a player?who was expected to solidify himself as one of the games most dominant rushers, thanks to a full, healthy training camp. But Gurley has gained only 98 yards on 36 carries through his first two games, and the problem lies mostly with what surrounds him. The Rams simply dont possess the passing threat that would keep opposing defenses from focusing almost solely on Gurley. He has averaged only 0.89 yards before contact, which ranks third-worst in the NFL. -- Alden GonzalezSan Francisco 49ersThe O-line has been better than expected.Much about the 49ers offense has gone as expected, but theres a notable exception to be made in the form of the offensive line. Getting a healthy Daniel Kilgore back at center, adding Zane Beadles at left guard and another offseason to develop right guard Andrew Tiller and right tackle Trent Brown have given rock-solid left tackle Joe Staley the requisite help to put together a solid unit. The Niners have allowed just two sacks through the first two game. Although the run blocking could be more consistent, this is clearly a better group than it was a year ago, when the 49ers were plagued by injuries and departures. -- Nick WagonerSeattle SeahawksThat the offense has been this bad.The Seahawks generally struggle early in the season, but 15 total points in two games against the Dolphins and Rams is a surprisse, especially considering that this unit averaged 31.dddddddddddd3 points per game in the second half of 2015. Quarterback?Russell Wilsons high ankle sprain has been a factor, and the offensive line struggles were to be expected. History shows that the Seahawks usually figure out solutions, but theyre dealing with a hobbled Wilson for the first time and face several Super Bowl contenders (Patriots, Panthers, Packers and Cardinals) in the second half of the season. In other words, they need to take care of business against the 49ers and Jets the next two weeks. -- Sheil KapadiaAFC EASTBuffalo BillsThe struggles of cornerbacks Stephon Gilmore and Ronald Darby.A national television audience watched Gilmore and Darby, a duo Pro Football Focus considered one of the NFLs best?last season, get torched by the Jets?Brandon Marshall and Quincy Enunwa to the tune of 193 receiving yards. Maybe it was an aberration, or perhaps coach Rex Ryan can no longer rely on what he thought was the strength of his defense. -- Mike RodakMiami DolphinsThe running game has stalled.Behind a revamped offensive line, it is surprising that Miamis running backs cant get anything going and are averaging just 3.3 yards per carry. Starter Arian Foster is the main culprit. Hes averaging 2.9 yards per carry and is already dealing with a groin injury.?Quarterback Ryan Tannehill leads the team in rushing with 52 yards and a touchdown, which sums up the current state of the Dolphins?running game. -- James WalkerNew England PatriotsThe play of quarterback?Jimmy Garoppolo.The past two offseasons, questions swirled about what the Patriots had in Garoppolo, and even though it has been only six quarters of play in the 2016 regular season, that has been enough to make the decisive statement that Garoppolo is a worthy starter in the NFL with growth potential. As for what this means for the future, Tom Brady is 39 and under contract through 2019, while Garoppolo is 24 and under contract through 2017. How do the Patriots proceed at QB with those dynamics in play? Its one of the more fascinating storylines in the NFL. -- Mike ReissNew York JetsCornerback?Darrelle Revis has struggled.That isnt surprising; its stunning. At 31, he isnt expected to be the shutdown corner he was in 2009, but no one expected him to get burned for 54- and 84-yard touchdowns in the first two games. Hes giving too much cushion, perhaps because hes concerned about getting beaten deep. But on deep balls, he has lacked catch-up speed. -- Rich CiminiAFC NORTHBaltimore RavensNeither running back has been explosive.Justin Forsett and Terrance West were supposed to have a heated competition. Two games into the season, they have become a concern. Forsett and West havent broken a run longer than 11 yards. Forsett is averaging 3.3 yards per carry, and West has struggled just as much at 3.2 yards per carry. Baltimore ranks 29th in the NFL with a 3.0 yard per carry average. -- Jamison HensleyCincinnati BengalsIssues with the ground game.The Bengals running backs have gone nowhere through two games, averaging only 2.8 yards per carry and 51.5 yards per game. With two talented running backs in Jeremy Hill and Giovani Bernard, its surprising they arent moving the ball better on the ground. Perhaps theyve faced dominant defenses through two weeks -- with the Broncos up next -- but the plummeting numbers are still head-scratching. -- Katherine TerrellCleveland BrownsInjuries to two quarterbacks.The Browns have had more than their share of misfortune, but not even they could have expected the calamity they have encountered with the QB position. First,?Robert Griffin III and then Josh McCown were lost to left shoulder injuries, which put rookie Cody Kessler on the field. Meanwhile, every good pass that No. 2 overall pick?Carson Wentz throws is like fingernails on a chalkboard to Browns fans. -- Pat McManamonPittsburgh SteelersThe improved play of the secondary.Weve been hard on the Steelers pass defense in this space, but the defensive backfield deserves props here. Holding the Bengals to one touchdown and wide receiver?A.J. Green to 38 yards is progress. The Steelers have one sack in two games, yet the coverage has held up. Ross Cockrell is making a move into stardom, and the addition of former special-teamer Robert Golden into a starting safety spot has paid dividends thus far. The Steelers have been effective in a third-down dime package with safety Mike Mitchell directing traffic on the back end. This group looks more cohesive than it did a year ago. -- Jeremy FowlerAFC SOUTHHouston TexansThe play of rookie wide receiver?Will Fuller.Although the Texans?had high expectations for their first-round pick, it was a pleasant surprise for Houston that he had back-to-back games of more than 100 receiving yards to open the season. Fuller?is the first player in franchise history to do that. Although his issues with drops are still concerning, Fuller is a legitimate threat alongside Pro Bowl receiver DeAndre Hopkins. -- Sarah BarshopIndianapolis ColtsThe number of injuries on defense.Heres the list of projected starters who have missed one or both of the first two games: defensive lineman Henry Anderson, cornerback Vontae Davis, cornerback Patrick Robinson, safety T.J. Green and safety Clayton Geathers. The high number of injuries on defense means the Colts?probably wont have an idea how theyll be as a unit until later in the season when everybody is healthy. -- Mike WellsJacksonville JaguarsWheres the run defense?The Jaguars have been unable to stop the run, which had been the defenses strength the past several seasons. The Packers and Chargers combined to rush for 245 yards. Nose tackle Roy Miller is healthy and defensive end Jared Odrick has played well against the run, but the Jaguars have been gashed by both Eddie Lacy and Melvin Gordon. If the Jaguars dont get better against the run this week against the Ravens, itll be hard for them to snap their losing streak. -- Mike DiRoccoTennessee TitansThe scoring defense.The Titans defense has given up one touchdown and six field goals through two weeks. The offense killed the Titans in Week 1, with an interception returned for a touchdown?and a fumble returned for a touchdown. The Titans havent covered very well, but Tennessee has clamped down at the right time and has the second-best red zone TD defense in the league. The Raiders could change things. Quarterback?Derek Carr threw for 330 yards in a win in Nashville last season,?and all three of his TD passes?were?inside the red zone. -- Paul KuharskyAFC WESTDenver BroncosA rookie has steadied the offense.The Broncos had high hopes for fullback Andy Janovich from the moment they made him a sixth-round draft pick in April, and those hopes nudged a little higher as they watched Janovich work in the offense in training camp. But now a team that planned to use a two-back set more than it did last season -- the Broncos were in two-back sets just 25 snaps all of 2015 -- has already made it one of the mainstays, which has helped new quarterback Trevor Siemian in the process. Janovich has been highly effective as a lead blocker, has a rushing touchdown and will be more involved as a receiver as the season progresses. -- Jeff LegwoldKansas City ChiefsBack-to-back slow starts.?The Chiefs deserve credit for their comeback in beating the Chargers in the season opener, but otherwise, they havent been very competitive, which is a surprising thing for a team that won its final 10 regular-season games (and a playoff game) the past season. The Chiefs had a 3-0 lead for 3:24 in the first quarter against the Chargers before eventually falling behind by 21 points. They didnt lead against the Chargers again until the game was over, and they didnt play with the lead last week against the Texans. The Chiefs need to start games more quickly so they arent always in desperation mode. That way they can play more to their strengths. Despite having a running game that is fourth in the NFL in yards per carry (5.3), the Chiefs have fewer rushing attempts than all but six teams. -- Adam TeicherOakland RaidersThe shockingly poor?defense.Sure, management retooled the unit in the wake of retirements by Charles Woodson and Justin Tuck by signing purportedly quality free agents such as?Bruce Irvin, Sean Smith and Reggie Nelson. But there are some serious growing pains in the way of more than 1,000 yards of offense surrendered in two games, Irvin having only one sack, Smith getting torched and Nelson often being out of place. Coach Jack Del Rio said players eyes are not in the right place on defense. Indeed, all eyes are on the defense two weeks in. -- Paul GutierrezSan Diego ChargersThe run defense is much better.The Chargers gave up 125 yards per game last season, which ranked 27th in the NFL. Through two games this year, San Diegos defense is allowing just 76 rushing yards per game, which ranks seventh in the league. Free-agent addition nose tackle Brandon Mebane has helped plug the middle for the Chargers defensively. San Diego has trailed for only a little more than half a quarter in two games this season, which has made teams more inclined to throw the football. -- Eric D. Williams ' ' '