Overcoming Potty Training Resistance Posted On : Jan-08-2010 | seen (515) times | Article Word Count : 502 |
Resistance is an act of resisting cooperation with someone to do something like duties and responsibilities. This does not occur with adults only but also with children. Resistance caused by children is eventually due to the fact that they are not prepared to be potty trained. So if you鈥檙e a parent or parents you better take this down because it will undeniably help you in overcoming potty training resistance. Resistance is an act of resisting cooperation with someone to do something like duties and responsibilities. This does not occur with adults only but also with children. Resistance caused by children is eventually due to the fact that they are not prepared to be potty trained. So if you鈥檙e a parent or parents you better take this down because it will undeniably help you in overcoming potty training resistance.
There are reasons for potty training resistance and these include:
鈥eing scared to sit on top of the potty or experiencing trauma about the potty idea 鈥eing constipated or experiencing painful bowel movement 鈥eing scared of the sound of the flushing toilet 鈥njoying the negative attention 鈥eing forced 鈥eing stubborn and superior over his or her parents 鈥eing punished severely for non-compliance with the potty training 鈥eing trained inconsistently and with different people
Potty training resistance is unpredictable. Why did I say so? For one Edinson Volquez Rangers Jersey , children have mood swings. One day they may submit to your requests and the next day they will refuse to give in. This is very frustrating but do not blame them. This is normal. All parents go through it and the only remedy is understanding Nomar Mazara Rangers Jersey , patience and discontinuing the potty training. You have to be patient with your child for him or her to be able to realize that he or she somehow needs to learn to potty no matter what. You also have to be understanding with your child鈥檚 capability and readiness to go to the potty.
Although the child refuses many times and even goes ballistic on going to the potty Shin-Soo Choo Rangers Jersey , give it a moment to discontinue the training and rest the issue then try it again next month or so. This will give you and your child some time to think and recover from the traumatic incident that he or she had from the past regarding the training. Perhaps after this break your child will be willing to be trained or to go to the potty. The discontinuity of potty training is most applicable to children who are below ages 3 to 3 陆.
In overcoming this resistance Delino DeShields Rangers Jersey , you have to be ready to face delays. Resistance causes delay. The children will think of strategies to distract the process of potty training Russell Wilson Rangers Jersey , which would result to delay. This usually occurs because the children are trying to tell you that they are not yet ready to begin the potty training.
Ways for overcoming training resistance include: 鈥iving a reward or encouraging
鈥aking your child wear underwear to make him get used to no diapers 鈥aking your child sit on the potty without anything else to do as a daily routine 鈥voiding severe punishment whether physical or verbal abuse
I hope all these will help you to overcome training resistance. These are essential to a child鈥檚 progress but prioritize your child鈥檚 feelings and behavior to assure a healthy growth and development. Get the Best Vietnam Sapa tours for your journey!
Posted On : Aug-31-2011 | seen (670) times | Article Word Count : 543 |