Let?s have an intimate look at the developer of Emotional Freedom Technique, Gary Craig. An unassuming man with a quick smile, Craig, is the founder of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and is happy to teach his technique to anyone.
Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is " A Universal Healing Aid" Wholesale Josh Reynolds Jersey , according to Gary Craig. I met him at a lecture in Boulder, Colorado the summer of 2009 and did a short interview with him. An unassuming man with a ready smile, Craig, is the founder of EFT, and is happy to teach his technique to anyone. He spoke for ninety minutes about using EFT in different situations and circumstances and what the results were.?
Craig?s background:
I was born April 13 Wholesale Gerald Everett Jersey , 1940 and have been intensely interested in personal improvement via psychology since age 13. That was when I recognized that the quality of my thoughts was mirrored in the quality of my life. Since then I have been self taught in this field, seeking only those procedures that, in my opinion, produced results. EFT is my latest finding, the core of which I learned from Dr. Roger Callahan. For the average person Wholesale Rob Havenstein Jersey , Callaghan?s stuff was too complex.
Craig was inspired with Callaghan's work that's why EFT was born. He was educated at Stanford University as an engineer. And being an engineer he studied the works of Callaghan and tried to make it work more efficiently. Craig is also an ordained minister and a certified Master Practitioner of NLP
According to Craig, ?EFT is based on a new discovery about the body?s subtle energies. Simply stated, it is an emotional version of acupuncture, except needles aren?t necessary. Instead, you stimulate well established energy meridians on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips. The process is easy to memorize and is portable so you can do it anywhere. People who are persistent and tap frequently obtain dramatic results.?
Craig continued Wholesale Tyler Higbee Jersey , ?We are conditioned in the U.S. to take a pill or have surgery to take care of problems.? If we were raised in China, we would be more conditioned to working with the energy meridians and chakras.? It?s all in how we were conditioned.? It doesn?t have anything to do with the ?woo-woo factor??it?s just how it is in comparison to something else.?
According to Craig, ?Humor is very important.?? It is therapeutic in and of itself.? Humor helps you test how the work is going so far.? Craig's style uses humor. However, you don?t have to have a sense of humor to do EFT.??
EFT can be applied to many issues. During his Boulder seminar, Craig spoke about some different situations where he used EFT. He talked about Becky Wholesale Jared Goff Jersey , a lady deathly afraid of rats. Even the thought of a rat anywhere in the vicinity made her hyperventilate. Craig sent a person out to find a rat and put it in a cage. After a short session of EFT, she was able to put her finger in the cage and pet the rat. Then there was David who had a strong fear of water. After some ?tapping? (another name for EFT), David was not afraid of water.
?I didn?t ?get? the connection between the emotional self and the physical self until I worked on people with major physical issues,? Craig said specifically mentioning MS. He showed a number of videos and one highlighted a lady who suffered from MS, walked on crutches and was severally disabled. Craig worked with her using EFT. By the end of the session Wholesale Samson Ebukam Jersey , the lady was able to walk without the crutches, and she did a few jumping jacks, something she hadn?t been able to do for years.
Probably the most memorable videos were ones taken of military veterans who suffered Traumatic Stress Disorder (TSD). At his own expense, Craig brought these vets together so he could work on them using EFT. Their symptoms ran from depression, suicidal thoughts Wholesale John Johnson Jersey , hyper-vigilance to night terrors. In order to relieve the intense emotions he felt while working on these men, Craig did some tapping on himself. It was a very emotionally stirring experience for everyone at the presentation. Each of the men Craig worked with showed remarkable improvement.
Mumbai is a city of dreams. Every day people are migrating to Mumbai to be famous to make their dreams come true but unfortunately, only some of them go forward while others lack behind due to many factors mainly because of their physical appearance or in simple words looks. But in today鈥檚 fast tech world anyone can desire good looks with the help of cosmetic surgery. Gone are the days now, when people had a negative image of these procedures. People from all over the world are looking forward to intensifying their looks and enhancing their looks to make themselves a better version of them.
Cosmetic surgery includes surgery that aims to improve a person physical looks or physicals appearance through surgical and medical technique. Cosmetic surgery is now growing popularity among people who desire to change a little bit of their appearance to look good. Cosmetic surgery is a very advancing surgery aims to enhance the person appearance but should be approached with caution. It deals on all areas of the head, neck Wholesale Cooper Kupp Jersey , and body.
Now, anyone who is unhappy with its looks can look forward to a cosmetic surgery. With high tech technology, cosmetic surgery is less expensive and more accessible. There has been a growth in women as well as men which are turning to cosmetic procedures to improve their looks. With the advancement of medical technology, there are no such side effects of cosmetic surgery. No matter what surgery you are undertaking, the end result will be the physical transformation that the people will pay attention to.