A case study in online "thinking outside the box" The Fair Measures Corporation Web site Cheap Replica Jerseys , at contains over 500 pages of free in-depth legal information and analysis, provided for both employers and employees. It includes a monthly e-newsletter, and an "Ask the Lawyers" page where visitors can post additional questions. The site attracts frequent media attention, and has been featured in "HR Magazine". A few years ago we completely restructured the site to add content for the many employees who come there looking for information. Previously Cheap Authentic Jerseys , we'd been concentrating on the traditional markets for Fair Measures - human resource professionals and managers who hire Fair Measures attorneys for workplace training programs. But we realized that in doing so, we were missing out on a very different audience for their expertise - and one that really only exists in the online context. How did we know this? In two main ways:
1. by looking in our traffic analysis at the key search phrases that brought visitors to the site; and 2. from the content of questions submitted to "Ask the Lawyers" We could see that many visitors were looking for information around sexual harassment, overtime exemptions, Internet e-mail monitoring and privacy issues Cheap Jerseys Wholesale , and wrongful termination. Employers wanted to know how to create policies and practices that would protect them against costly lawsuits, and employees wanted to enforce their rights. So, we created a whole series of new products - instantly downloadable online guides and sample policies around these topics. They are available in Word, pdf Cheap Jerseys From China , and html formats - at the buyer's choice, and come with a full money back guarantee. The price point - currently $10 for the guides, is intended to encourage impulse purchases. The latest of these products - "Wrongful Termination Guide" is now achieving a nearly 5% conversion rate in sales. This is far higher than the average 1-2% that is typical of most e-commerce sites (and perhaps indicative of the current economic climate!) And, with real-time traffic analysis from we are tweaking the language and length of our selling pages to see what's most effective with each audience. Our downloadable products are now generating a steady additional revenue stream Cheap Jerseys China , from a source that is very different from the traditional markets for this company. So, lessons learned (and still being learned) from this exercise: 1. Be open to new and different potential audiences for your online business; 2. Study your traffic analysis - there are many valuable clues as to visitor needs that can be translated into new products and services; and 3. Keep monitoring your visitor response and try new spins on your content. 脙茠脝鈥櫭兟⒚⑩€毬吢∶兤捗⑩偓拧脙鈥毭偮?2001 Philippa Gamse. All rights ippa Gamse, CyberSpeaker, is a Web strategy consultant and professional speaker. Check out her free tipsheet for 23 ideas to promote your Website: Philippa can be reached at (831) 465-0317.
Shopping for a home would leave you overwhelmed by the six-digit price tags that would come even for starter homes. If you are wondering if you would be able to afford such a hefty price tag Cheap Jerseys , try to calculate your annual gross income. It is said that the mortgage you can afford to acquire should cost around twice as much as your gross income. Choosing which property to purchase involves numerous factors other than your budget. It's advisable to first inform your lender how much you can afford.
Your lender would determine your capacity to purchase a home through the following factors: front-end ratio, back-end ratio, and down payment. The front-end ratio refers to the portion of your annual gross income which would go to your monthly mortgage. The back-end ratio is the portion of your annual gross income which is allocated to cover other debts. The down payment is settled at the purchase of the property and accounts for 20% of the payment.
Choosing to be house poor is another critical consideration. Oftentimes, people obtain homes well beyond their budget Wholesale Basketball Jerseys , with most of their incomes going to their mortgage such that they hardly have enough to cover other personal expenses. Some people opt to become house poor as they believe that their income would eventually increase over time, easing the financial stretch they have to endure while paying off their mortgage.
Personal criteria involve personal choices that influence your mortgage selection, other than your lender's criteria. Take into account your income whether or not you have a stable job or if you can easily find another job to help you support your mortgage should you lose your job. The type of Home Loan Georgia residents look for is one that their income can sufficiently support. Take into account, too Wholesale NBA Jerseys , your miscellaneous expenses. Include here any plans of future purchases such as a new car, of expenses such as sending kids to school, or annual vacations.
Getting a Home Loan Georgia lenders offer calls for a number of lifestyle changes. If you are willing to give up some expenses, then opt to apply for a higher back-end ratio. On the hand Wholesale Jerseys From China , if you find living on a tight budget unfeasible, pick a less assertive mortgage program.
Paying for a house is the single largest purchase you may ever engage in. Before agreeing to get a Home Loan Georgia lenders recommend, take time to carefully calculate all your potential expenses. After thoroughly determining costs, consider your personal circumstances next Wholesale Jerseys China , as well as your current and prospective lifestyle. Doing so will help you make a better decision concerning your house purchase.
Avril Copperfield - About Author: For more details, please search "Home Loan Georgia" in Google.