If you're under the word count and you don't need to keep some in hand in case other chapters are too long Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping , don't try to pad your work out to make it longer. This will make your book less crisp and lively. Instead - depending on the subject matter of course - insert examples, verbal illustrations, short case histories, charts, graphics or any other interesting material that supports your key messages without lengthening them.
Usually you can put material like this into a "box" so that it is seen to be separate from the main text. This way readers aren't interrupted as they go through your text Cheap Jerseys From China , and can look at the "box" when they've finished reading the paragraph or section concerned.
The external editor
If your book is being published externally, once you've finished your edit the manuscript will go the publisher's editor. Once the edit comes back to you, you'll have the opportunity to go through the issues raised by the editor and dispute their recommendations if you feel they're wrong. Then when everyone is happy with the result, your manuscript goes into production.
If you're producing the book yourself you don't, in theory Cheap Jerseys China , need to use an editor at all. However unless you're a professional writer by trade, if you're self-publishing it makes a lot of sense to use a pro editor to have a look at your work. An informed but unbiased extra expert on the case will help you sharpen up your text and will pick up on all the little details that you - being so close to the material - may have overlooked.
And there you are - a finished manuscript! Now, to the final stage...
3. Producing and selling your book
If your book is being published externally you won't have a huge involvement with the production process. This means that you're relieved of the hassle and expense of production, but on the other hand you won't have all that much control over how your book looks. Publishers will usually send you cover designs to look at as a courtesy, but don't automatically assume they'll change the designs if you happen to hate them.
Often a business or other non-fiction book will be published as part of a series of titles and so will have to be designed with a "family resemblance" to the other books in the series. Other times the design will be dictated by the publisher's corporate image and colours. Usually Cheap Jerseys , though, if your complaint is well founded they will listen and may well make some alterations to keep you happy.
"You can't judge a book by its cover" -- but it helps!
If you're self-publishing you're free, of course, to have whatever you like on the cover. Even if you have strong ideas about how it should look, in your shoes I would invest in a professional design for the cover. Particularly if you're going to sell the book remotely (i.e. without your being there) that cover is the only real point-of-sale tool you have - so it needs to be good.
Publishing services companies usually offer cover design as a service. If you use an independent graphic designer Wholesale Baseball Jerseys , ask to see samples of hisher work on book covers before you commission yours. Although designing book covers is not rocket science you do need to know about how books are racked in bookstores, how to display the title, where to put what words, etc.
You will also need to compose your jacket copy to go on the cover. This usually consists of two chunks of sales copy about the book and one short chunk about you, the author. However how many sections and how many words in each will be determined when the cover is designed Wholesale MLB Jerseys , and that should happen first.
Just as the title and cover design are critical elements at the point of sale for your book, so is the jacket copy. This has to sell hard enough to make them carry your book all the way to the checkout and stay there until they've paid for it. If you're self-publishing and don't feel you can create the snappy words required, hire a pro copywriter to do it. It won't cost very much as it shouldn't take them long to complete, and it will be well worthwhile.
How the main text looks
When you're setting your raw text out for uploading to the designer and production people, start as you mean to continue by ensuring that paragraphs are reasonably short and that you break up your text with some or a mixture of the following:
脙茠芒鈧∶冣€毭偮稴ection headings in bold Wholesale Jerseys From China , larger point size than main text 脙茠芒鈧∶冣€毭偮稢ross headings in bold and perhaps underlined 脙茠芒鈧∶冣€毭偮稥mboldened words and phrases as I've done in this document - not too many though 脙茠芒鈧∶冣€毭偮稰hrases pulled out from the text and centred, as a cross heading 脙茠芒鈧∶冣€毭偮稴mall diagrams, charts, photographs 脙茠芒鈧∶冣€毭偮稡ullet points and numbered lists, if appropriate
Remember Wholesale Jerseys China , for readers there's nothing more offputting than long, unbroken blocks of text. And you want them to read all of your book, don't you?
Marketing and selling your book
Publishers say they do marketing, but the reality is they don't do much. And it really is annoying when you think that they are taking the lion's share of the proceeds from your book sales. So if you want your book to be marketed, you have two choices.
The first choice is to hire a publicist. This is quite popular among American business gurus and public speakers who do not have the time but do have the money. Opinions are divided on whether or not you will get back what you pay the publicist in extra book sales you wouldn't have had otherwise.