Building Your Business On A Local Level Business Articles | January 4 Leon Draisaitl Jersey Youth , 2013 When you started your business, you may have had big ideas about where it might take you. Indeed, you may well still have many of those same ambitions. Plenty of small business owners dream that they may, given time, own the next Amazon, Apple, or Google.
The reality is Ryan Nugent-Hopkins Jersey Womens , however, that we all have to start somewhere. Building a large, international company is certainly not easy. That helps to explain why so few of them really exist! It is possible, however, to think about making progress by starting on a rather smaller scale.
Many successful businesses have been able to grow by targeting customers on a more local level. This makes a lot of sense and it's actually fairly easy to understand why this is an approach that works well.
Many consumers are far more happy to deal with local, independent suppliers. What this means is that your presence within the local area actually gives you a competitive edge. You may not be able to offer the lowest prices, but combining great service levels with local knowledge can take you a long way.
But is there an issue here with limiting your potential earnings? It would certainly appear to be the case that you'll be targeting a smaller market Sam Gagner Jersey Womens , which will leave you in a position where there is only so much that you can achieve. This is, however, a rather negative view of the situation.
You may actually discover that you are faced with far less competition, allowing you to take a large share of the local market. This may actually be something that's more realistic for you to achieve than attempting to establish the business on a national level.
Once you have achieved strong positioning within the local area, there will always be opportunities to expand. You'll be able to build on your positive experiences and to create a business that is able to deal with the broader demands of a larger audience.
As you establish marketing, sales and customer support approaches that work on a relatively small scale, you'll come to realise that it will also be possible to replicate them on a grander stage. By starting out thinking about local customers Oscar Klefbom Jersey Womens , you may soon discover that you are ready to leap to the next level.
Article Tags: Local Level
Alternative medicine: jokes and humor for your health
C people picture plants, crystals, needles, maybe some bugs and leeches, but few realize that jokes, humor and comedy are truly medicines Markus Granlund Jersey Womens , in their own right. It has long been established that optimists live longer than pessimists, but now there is some hard evidence that people with a better sense of humor also have longer and healthier lives. Your "stay healthy" plan should include a joke and a 20-minute comedy show, to go with the broccoli and carrots.
There are now various associations and physicians specialized in the so-called therapeutic humor, who are still investigating the roles of laughter in our lives. Perhaps the most obvious of these roles is that related to the social life - jokes often allow people to connect and to bond, and sharing a good laughter is a good method to integrate in a team, to get along with the coworkers, neighbors and so on. This function is vital from the point of view of mental health Kailer Yamamoto Jersey Womens , since it reduces loneliness and, with it, depression and other problems associated with it. You don't have to be trained in stand-up comedy in order to say something funny, sometimes all you need is a change of perspective or the courage to make fun at your own expense.
Humor is an invaluable asset in crisis situations, when it helps us calm down and reduce the levels of stress (and all the negative effects stress has on health). It is often considered that, among patients with very severe diseases, those with an upbeat approach Mike Smith Jersey Womens , who are capable of making jokes about their situations, have the best chances to defeat the illness. So far, there have been no scientific studies to prove this, but the patients themselves report feeling better after joining an activity with humorous potential, even if it's just watching a comedy show together with some friends or with other patients.
Recent researches suggest that laughter influences more than our mental framework, it actually has a positive effect on the physical aspect as well. It has been widely accepted, for some time Alex Chiasson Jersey Womens , that laughter increases the pain resistance level, but the theory is still not proven. In fact, very few studies have yet been made about the relation between comedy and health, but those existing seem to indicate that a good joke may lower the blood pressure, improve memory and cognitive functions and boost the immune system. Moreover, these results are not short-term only: it seems that a good sense of humor may protect you against heart diseases and alter your biochemical state to a level where the organism produces more antibodies. The lack of research in the field is due to the fact that people have always assumed that laughter is good for your health (along with an apple a day and a breath of fresh air), but little has been done to analyze this in depth.