Strawberries dipped in chocolate David Bingham USA Jersey , golden slices of bread dripping with butter and that extra large cup of coffee have that 'forbidden' tag on them. The minute you think of devouring any such treat the guilt sets in. Now, break loose and indulge your senses and taste buds alike because not all dietary sins will land you in cholesterol's hell! Alcohol, chocolates, coffee and the likes might actually prove to be good for you instead of causing you any harm. The myths surrounding these foods have been busted by studies. Take a look at these pleasantly surprising results:
Don't Get Bitter Over Butter
Butter is actually not as bad as you might think it to be. True Darlington Nagbe USA Jersey , it can hamper that perfect waistline of yours but it is better than stick margarine. Margarine which is converted into sticks has to be solidified using hydrogen. This hydrogenation process creates Trans fats which increase bad cholesterol. A healthier option is to opt for soft margarine tubs which won't make you feel guilty!
A Drink a Day may Keep Diseases at Bay
Consuming alcohol is often looked down upon. Not only puritans, but many of us feel that alcohol does nothing but damage. Contrary to this thought, a certain prescribed quantity of alcohol intake each day might actually do you good. It is known to reduce the risk of heart attacks and red wine is particularly beneficial for more than one reason. Bursting with antioxidants such as resveratrol, red wine prevents clogging of arteries.
Choco-lovers have a Reason to Celebrate
Even with its mood lifting capacity DaMarcus Beasley USA Jersey , chocolate is banned for people of all ages. Bad teeth, pimples and diabetes, chocolates have a long list of blames thrust upon them! Relax, not all is gloomy for dedicated chocolate lovers. The good news is that dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants such as flavanol and can keep heart related diseases at bay! Those who fear blemishes on their skin with consumption of chocolates can rejoice too. The antioxidants can actually improve your skin! However Clint Dempsey USA Jersey , beware of overindulgence!
Don't Brood Over Eggs
If you like eggs whether fried, poached or scrambled, then what is stopping you? All that talk about eggs containing loads of cholesterol is okay but research shows that saturated fat is the culprit, and not cholesterol! Besides Christian Pulisic USA Jersey , eggs contain proteins and iron which do you good. Also, lutein in eggs can improve your eyesight. If you are worried about health concerns, remove a yolk for every two eggs that you eat. This will make sure you enjoy your eggs and cut down that cholesterol.
Are some of your food myths dispelled? Binging is good once in a while but in normal course of life try not to feast like a king each day. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and consuming all sorts of food items in moderate levels can improve your overall health without making you feel deprived. After all, eating is a passion for some of us and it should stay as uninhibited as it can. Goals can help you progress Chris Wondolowski USA Jersey , improve and enhance your life. Always remember that even without determining goals your life still has meaning. The role of a Lifecoach London is to work with you on creating a plan that will help you accomplish these goals and move you towards a better life. However, you are the only person capable of determining goals and desires that are relevant to you and will make you happy. A life coach is very different from a therapist, psychologist or a mentor. A psychologist's role is to listen and to keep you analyzing and speaking about your past, whereas a coach's role is to question what you are saying and doing and offer you advice on how to move forward from your past Chris Pontius USA Jersey , into a new and better future.
Background & Specialization of a Life Coach:
Having some idea about your needs will allow you to pick a professional that has the right kind of specialization. The specialization of a Life Coach London can be particularly helpful in overcoming the obstacles that are standing in the way of your happiness. Good life coaches should have experience and the right kind of qualifications. You can do some preliminary research for this information online, or you can schedule an appointment and ask directly. A life coach that has a good background in several techniques would be ideal. Certification is equally important because it tells you that the professional is licensed to practice coaching.
What is Life Coaching?
Life coaching is a way to realize your true potential. How? By focusing on the future, and what you want, rather then what you don't have. Now there are many trains of thoughts when it comes to coaching but in essence they all take you down the same road Bobby Wood USA Jersey , and help you create a blueprint for success. Here's a tip, start with setting goals and envision them as if you have already have achieved them. After all, you can't hit what you can't see. Throughout the coaching relationship you will explore the limiting beliefs and behaviors that you impose on yourself, and how you can turn those thoughts and behaviors around and start to create new empowering beliefs.
Choose the Best Life Coaching Here?
Unlike counseling Blank USA Jersey , life coaching is solution focused, and empowers people with the right tools and techniques to create lasting change and happiness in their lives. But even if you are happy and successful now then coaching can still be beneficial, as you will learn much about yourself and how to really maximize your potential. A London Life Coach that has many satisfied clients will be happy to refer you. Meeting somebody who has already experienced the coaching technique of that professional can be very beneficial and help you get all of your questions answered. Finally, you should inquire about the hourly fee.
About the author:- Find the most intelligent and well manageable Life Coach London where you can all the answers of your questions on our website i.e. .